a science research team collect water samples for analysis and research on water quality and environmental health


The vision for the Texas A&M Center for Environmental Health Research (TiCER) is to nucleate environmental health research and translational activities of investigators around the overarching theme of “Innovative solutions for addressing exposure-stressor interactions with a focus on underserved populations in urban and urbanizing areas” in the state of Texas. Overall, TiCER will expand the established investigator base and expertise in cross-cutting environmental health science research to increase its impact in Texas and beyond.

A Framework for Environmental Health Research at Texas A&M

a female scientist checks for signs of microplastics or pollutants in the water sample she has just collected

TiCER is organized around four research themes to facilitate the exchange of ideas and the development of novel experimental approaches. Cross-disciplinary collaborations lead to high-impact discoveries that identify common exposure and disease interests. The themes are:

Two Scientists Inspecting Samples Gathered In Nature

The center also aims to enhance research capacity, integration, and translation by facilitating research across mechanistic, individual, and inter-individual scales with an integrated set of cores that bridge technologies, capabilities, and expertise. The three cores are:

two researchers in personal protective equipment take samples from a pond

Through Pilot Projects, TiCER promotes new and innovative research motivated by community and stakeholder concerns from individual investigators or cross-disciplinary teams. The aim is to support junior faculty and stimulate new investigations by senior investigators.

The program provides funding, access to facility cores, and intellectual support for outstanding and innovative research projects. Pilot projects must address one of the four major research themes of the center.

Research Summaries

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