a science research team collect water samples for analysis and research on water quality and environmental health


Full Membership

  • Standing faculty members at any of The Texas A&M University System universities
are eligible.
  • Investigators must have major environmental health research that fits the TiCER mission.
  • Investigators must be willing to conduct collaborative environmental health research.

  • Investigators must be a principal investigator (PI) on a peer-reviewed external grant or a Co-Investigator (Co-I) on an environmental health research-related external grant.

Affiliate Membership

  • Environmental health research-related investigators who are involved in TiCER activities and/or wish to pursue environmental health research but do not have faculty status.
  • Investigators who are senior post-doctoral fellows and K-award, non-tenure-track faculty members.

Member Recruitment

New members are recruited from among established investigators who move into environmental health research (e.g., via a Pilot Project) and among junior investigators recruited to the university. In addition to applications from interested investigators, recruitment of new TiCER members may be initiated by any current member through a process that includes a letter of nomination accompanied by the recruit’s CV. 

The executive committee will discuss and vote on member nominations at their monthly meetings. A simple majority vote (50% + 1) is required to approve a nominee for membership. For those elected to membership, the TiCER Director will send a welcome letter and schedule an individual meeting with the new member to describe opportunities (e.g., subsidized core support, participation in organized meetings to meet potential collaborators, access to pilot project funding, and career development activities) and expectations (e.g., participation in activities, NIH and, preferably NIEHS, funding, and mentoring junior faculty, if the new member is a senior faculty member).

The Director will personally contact and meet with each prospective member from under-represented groups to discuss the benefits and responsibilities involved in becoming a TiCER member. The goal of recruitment is to sustain a membership that will continue to nurture a vibrant and highly interactive environmental health research community at Texas A&M to address contemporary and timely issues of relevance to the NIEHS mission.

Loss of Membership

Members will be evaluated annually by the executive committee to ensure they continue to fulfill the criteria described above. If a member has a prolonged lack of productivity or a change in focus away from environmental health research, a lack of engagement in the Center, its cores, or collaborations with other members, or a lack of commitment to mentoring junior members, they will be considered for removal from the membership lists.

Removal requires a majority vote (50% + 1) of the executive committee. The TiCER Director will inform affected members of negative votes along with the reasons for the vote outcome. It’s anticipated that the main reasons for the loss of a TiCER member are a change in focus away from environmental health research, taking a job elsewhere, or retiring from Texas A&M.

Apply for Membership

"*" indicates required fields

Principal Investigator*
Texas A&M Appointment*

Membership Level*
What level of TiCER membership are you looking for?
TiCER Cores*
What TICER Cores will you likely use?
TiCER Themes*
What TiCER Theme does your research program most closely align with?
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, Max. file size: 2 MB.
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 64 MB.