Facility Cores


Data Sciences Facility Core

The DSFC will aggregate expertise and computational capability spanning scales of data complexity. Achieving the Center’s vision of “Innovative solutions for addressing exposure-stressor interactions in underserved populations in urban and urbanizing areas in the state of Texas” will entail a multitude of data collection, storage, analysis, and integration challenges related to the high dimensionality of novel biological and chemical data streams, the mixture of structured and unstructured data at the level of local communities, and the need to translate data into actionable knowledge for environmental health decision making. The DSFC will support these needs by leveraging data science expertise and resources across Texas A&M University, providing a central data repository for Center investigators and serving as a key facilitator of interactions across the entire Center.

Translational Research Support Core

The TRSC is an integral component of the Center that reinforces the synergistic activities that enhance the breadth, quality, innovation and productivity of environmental health research at Texas A&M University. As a hub for bi-directional research translation in the previous funding cycle, this core (formerly the Integrated Health Science Facility Center, IHSFC) initiated the use of a novel operational model to provide investigators unparalleled access to resources, spurred the creation of several new models to answer fundamental question and advance science and practice of value to communities at risk for environmental exposures.

Community Engagement Core

The Center’s engagement efforts will be focused on well-documented priorities of stakeholder groups in the Texas Triangle, including urban and urbanizing neighborhoods within the contexts of Austin, Houston, and Dallas that is widely applicable to other areas at risk from environmental emergency events and climate change. To help achieve this goal, the CEC will develop, test, and disseminate data-driven community engagement outcomes and interventions that increase local resilience to existing disaster risk and the future effects of climate change, particularly in underserved communities.