Fostering collaboration, intellectual exchange and interactions among investigators to build new collaborations, enhance productivity, encourage innovation, and ensure high-impact outcomes

Community & Translational Research Themes

Climate Change & Health
The goal of this theme is to elucidate the interactions between air quality, climate change, and public health by combining numerical models, field measurements, laboratory experiments, and epidemiological studies.

Environmental Justice & Policy
The goal of this theme is to support research responsive to community environmental health concerns, especially for minority and socioeconomically disadvantaged communities that are vulnerable and face barriers to change.
Mechanistic Research Themes

Stressors to Responses
The goal of this theme is to isolate environmental stressors, understand the mechanisms by which these stressors take effect in biological systems, and identify diseases and adverse responses associated with stressor exposure.

Environment & Metabolism
The goal of this theme is to study environmental exposures that beneficially or adversely impact metabolic health. Dysregulated metabolism is widely regarded as a precursor to poor overall health.
Support for Investigators
Are you in need of support for an environmental health research project at Texas A&M? Consider applying for TiCER Membership, a Research Voucher, or a Pilot Project.