Climate Change and Health

Heath Impacts of Air Quality


The primary goal of this theme is to elucidate the interactions between air quality, climate change, and public health by combining numerical models, field measurements, laboratory experiments, and epidemiological studies.

Research Foci:

  • Understanding how climate change impacts air quality
  • Understanding the synergistic effects of extreme heat and air pollution on public health
  • Understanding how air quality monitoring, modeling, and epidemiological studies can be designed to facilitate an integrated assessment of climate change and air pollutions on public health
  • Understanding how scientific research can be applied to the development of effective mitigation policies designed to protect public health and ensure environmental equity and justice

Research Theme Leader

Dr. Renyi Zhang is a University Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Sciences and Director of the Texas A&M Global Air Pollution Lab. Dr. Zhang is an elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Meteorological Society, and American Geophysical Union. In 2016, he was honored by a named symposium “Formation & Transformation of Atmospheric Aerosols – From Air Pollution to Climate Change” at the national meeting of the American Chemical Society. The Center has made this a new specific theme to provide a node in which to initiate new collaborations between Center members focusing on understanding the linkages between climate change, environmental exposures, and adverse health outcomes, and how the separate and combined effect of these stressors can be mitigated.